KIHST 2018.03.05
- Prof. H. Takizawa, Kumamoto University, Japan
- Provided a research consultation on the relationship between intestinal infection and hematopoietic system of stem cells and the development of stem cells in bone marrow
KIR 2018.03.08
- Korea-China Young Scientists Forum
- Shared research achievements and had technical talks and discussions
KI 2018.03.21
- KAIST PAC (President’s Advisory Council) members
- Looked over the research achievements of KAIST Institute
KIITC 2018.03.22
- Presenters of Global University Administrative Forum
- Discussed research cooperation issues and had a lab tour

KI 2018.03.29
- The Ministry of Science and ICT, Korea
- Discussed research cooperation issues and had a lab tour of KAIST Institute
KIAI 2018.04.11
- Dr. Yoon Kim, Director of AI Research Center, SKT
- Discussed research collaboration

KINC 2018.04.12
- Delegates from OCSiAl Headed by Tatunashvili Levan Vahtangovich, Director, Chief Innovation Officer of Novosibirsk Technology Park
- Discussed possible research and educational cooperation between Novosibirsk National Research University, OCSiAl and KINC
KIAI 2018.04.13
- Mr. Shimura Masayuki and Mr. Masayuki Arimochi, Huawei Technologies Japan K.K.
- Discussed research collaboration

KIB 2018.04.16
- Delegates from Merk & Co Inc.
- Discussed research progress and cooperation issues
KINC 2018.04.17
- Delegates from Addis Ababa Science Technology University, Headed by Nurelegne Tefera Shibeshi, President of AASTU
- Discussed possible research and educational cooperation
KIAI 2018.04.17
- Prof. Dereje Yohannes Shenafi, Addis Ababa Science Technology University
- Gave an introduction to research achievements of KIAI and discussed research collaboration

KINC 2018.04.24
- Delegates from CHANEL Group
- Discussed possible research cooperation
KIAI 2018.04.24
- Dr. Jason Scholz and Mr. Brendon Anderson, Australian Defence Science & Technology Group (DSTG)
- Gave an introduction to KIAI and discussed research collaboration
KI 2018.04.30
- Koo Yoon-chul, Chief budget officer of The Ministry of Economy and Finance, Korea
- Looked over the research achievements of KAIST Institute

KIB 2018.05.10
- Dae Hwan Jang, the CEO of Maeil Business Newspaper
- Checked outstanding research achievements of KIB

FIRIC 2018.05.30
- Czech Technology Mission with KAIST
- Had a discussion to share knowledge and experiences about emerging technologies relevant to the fourth industrial revolution
and to boost new cooperation and R&D projects among the Czech Republic and KAIST
KIITC 2018.06.05
- Min Gyeong Kim (Director of Samsung Electronics)
- Discussed the research of smart test-bed device connection using smart hub
KIAI 2018.06.05
- Dr. Hiekeun Ko, Science Director of Office of Naval Research Global
- Discussed research collaboration
KIITC 2018.06.12
- Youn Jeon Ko (Director of KT)
- Discussed research on connection scenarios on smart test-bed

KI 2018.07.13
- Il-Pyeong Park, President and CTO, LG Electronics
- Discussed research cooperation issues and had a lab tour of KAIST Institute
KIAI 2018.08.07
- Irina Kim (Head of the International Cooperation Department, ITMO University, Russia), Anna Mazurenko (Director of International Promotion,
Far Eastern Federal University, Russia), Dr. Ivan Timofeev (Team Leader of Development Team, Technopark Slava, Russia), and Minjin Cho (Team Learder, KORUSTEC) - Gave an introduction to KIAI and discussed research collaboration
KIAI 2018.08.21
- Eron Sunando (VP, Head of Digital Transformation & Innovation, Japan & Korea), Hoon Jung (Korea Office Head), and Eric Yoon (Account Executive, Korea)
- Gave an introduction to KIAI

KIHST 2018.04.16
- Prof. YongKeun Park received the 2018 Fumio Okano
- from the SPIE

KIR KIAI 2018.04.20
- Prof. Hyun Myung awarded Prime Minister’s Citation
- at 2018 National Science Day

KIHST 2018.04.20
- Prof. YongKeun Park received The 51st the National Science Award
- by the Ministry of Science and ICT

KIHST 2018.05.06
- Prof. YongKeun Park received The Hong Jin-Ki Innovation Award later
- by the Yumin Cultural Foundation
KIR KIAI 2018.05.28
- Prof. Hyun Myung awarded Joint Research Award
- at 2018 KAIST Research Day

KIR 2018.05.28
- Prof. Jong-Hwan Kim awarded Research Excellence Award
- at 2018 KAIST Research Day
KIR KIAI 2018.06.28
- Prof. Hyun Myung received ISR(Intelligent Service Robotics) Journal Best Paper Award
- at Int’l Conf. Ubiquitous Robots(UR) 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii

KIITC 2018.06.29
- Prof. Hojong Chang received Excellent Paper Award
- at Summer Conference of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineersy

KIR 2018.06.29
- Prof. Kwon, Dong Soo received Best Application Award & Overall Winner
- at Surgical Robot Challenge 2018

KIB 2018.07.18
- Prof. Sang Yup Lee received George Washington Carver Award
- at BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology, USA

KINC 2018.03.12
- Presentation of the 8th KINC Fusion Research Award
- Award of excellence is given to the best convergence presented in 2017 to motivate and create integrative research environment

KINC 2018.04.04
- 2018 Asian-Nano Symposium on Macromolecules
- Invited seminar of the world’s leading experts in macromolecules and discussions on possible research cooperation between Vietnam, Japan and Korea about nanotechnology

KIR 2018.04.09
- Prof. Shim, Hyunchul was on the air at YTN Science
- A lecture on artificial intelligence future of drone
KIB 2018.04.18
- Prof. Sang Yup Lee is on ScienceDaily
- for “Deep learning predicts drug-drug and drug-food interactions”
KIB 2018.05.09-10
- Sweden Korea Collaborative Symposium on Brain Research and Structural Biology
- Lectures on ‘Auditory processing in the mammalian brain’ and ‘Structural biology of macromoleucles and beyond’
KIR 2018.05.18
- Prof. Shim, Hyunchul Invited at UN Geneva CCW LAWS meeting
KIHST 2018.05.18
- KIHST symposium for the interdisciplinary research of industrial 4.0 revolution
- Discussion on KIHST Core Competence topics related to Industry 4.0
KIITC 2018.05.25-26
- The 27th Auto-ID Labs CJK(China-Japan-Korea) Workshop
- Discussion on standard technologies among four Asian countries, Korea, China, Japan, and Taiwan, and promote international joint research

KINC 2018.05.29
- 2018 FIRST Nano Center Co-op International Symposium “2-D New Material, MXene and Its Applications”
- Finding new opportunities in R&D collaboration on nanotechnology between Drexel University, NNFC and KAIST
KIAI 2018.06.21
- Taming Artificial Intelligence: Engineering, Ethics and Policy Workshop
- Discussions on domestic and foreign research trends and future research directions on artificial intelligence ethics

KIR 2018.06.26
- Prof. Oh, Jun-Ho Invited as guest Speaker
- at Robotics: Science and Systems(RSS) 2018
KIHST 2018.07.05
- Board Unveiling Ceremony for Donation to Dr.M
- Donator: Mun-Ja Bae
KIITC 2018.07.18
- The 1st Daejeon-KAIST Workshop on Baryon Therapy Strategy and Technology
- Presentations of 10 experts and discussion on cooperation with Daejeon City

KIAI 2018.08.22
- The 1st Symposium of Artificial Intelligence Driven Drug Discovery
- Discussions on recent trends of artificial intelligence for drug discovery
KIB 2018.08.27
- Prof. Sang Yup Lee is on EurekAlert
- for “Metabolic engineering of E. coli for the secretory production of free haem”
KIAI 2018.08.31
- Qualcomm-KAIST Innovation Awards
- Qualcomm’s donation of US$ 100,000 to KAIST for Innovation Award in 2018
Paper Competition Awards for graduate students and Software Development Awards(Hackathon) for undergraduate students

FIRIC 2018.06.08
- Joint Meeting between the WEF Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution(C4IR) and FIRIC