The Circuits, Architecture, Systems, Technology Lab (CAST Lab) focuses on research and development of modern computer systems based on specialized hardware. more
The Systems and Synthetic Biology Lab (SSBL) focuses on research and engineering of microbial cells for the production of biochemicals and more
The Urban Robotics Lab (URL) focuses on research and development of robotics technologies for smart more
The Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR) is a team of renowned professors and researchers collaborating with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and other foremost institutions in the domains of digital transformation to pioneer new approaches to technology, policy, and governance for the era of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). It is housed at KAIST, a globally renowned university with a rich history of leadership in creating global value for engineering, science, and technology. It is also, part of the KAIST Institute, which is a multi-disciplinary team of world-class professors and researchers who are at the cutting edge in 4IR technologies and more
The Multidimensional Molecular Materials Laboratory (MMML) concentrates on designing and engineering advanced molecular separation processes and more
The KAIST Interaction Lab (KIXLAB) builds interactive AI-infused systems that help people learn, collaborate, discuss, and make more
KI for Health Science and Technology (KIHST) is a field that puts in effort to foster a future growth industry along with Information Technology. Though several departments at KAIST have worked on state-of-the-art Health Science Technology and advances in research skills, those efforts were not enough to create novel value or propose a vision to explore new markets. KIHST aims to provide a new platform with the vision of 1. Platform for the future medical market, 2. KAIST's multidisciplinary environment, and 3. Intermediate Medical more
In 2006, the KAIST Institute for the NanoCentury (KINC) was established as a research institute affiliated with the KAIST Institute in order to intensify research related to nano science and technology sporadically conducted by various departments within KAIST, and to activate collaborative research as well. Collaborative/interdisciplinary research in the field of nano-science and nanotechnology is desperately needed as it requires different experts to maximize the research capacity and to adopt fast moving trends of nanotechnology. Accordingly, the Nano Convergence Research Institute aims to grow into a world-class research center leading the creation of new value and technological innovation by establishing an optimized collaborative research system and maximizing nano research more
The KAIST Institute for Information Technology Convergence conducts global-leading multidisciplinary research and industrialization with the aid of information more
KI for the BioCentury plays a central role in the field of bio-fusion research, achieving world-class research outcomes in the field of bio-fusion and creating a new growth engine for national more