KIAI 2019.03.08
- Christian Diekmann(Head of R&D Korea, Mercedes-Benz), Seungyong Lee(Research manager at R&D Korea, Mercedes-Benz)
- To learn about outstanding research achievements and discuss research collaboration
KIB 2019.03.14
- Prof. Dr. Ofyar Tamim(President of ITERA, Indonesia)
- To learn about outstanding research achievements
KIR 2019.03.19
- Prof. Matthias Rehm(Aalborg Univ.)
- To discuss research collaboration
KIHST 2019.04.02
- Delegates of KAIST-THE Innovation & Impact Summit
- To learn about outstanding research achievements
CO2 2019.04.05
- CEO of RPDC(Research Product Development Company)
- To discuss potential research collaboration
KIITC 2019.04.17
- Dr. Jongmin Lee(Director, SKT ICT Center)
- To discuss research progress and cooperation

KINC 2019.04.18
- Delegates from vivo Company
- To discuss possible research cooperation
KIAI 2019.04.26
- Prof. Alexander Tuzikov(General Director, United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus)
- To learn about outstanding research achievements and discuss research collaboration
KIKIITCKIR 2019.05.23
- Il Pyeong Park(CTO, LG Electronics)
- To discuss research progress and cooperation
KIAI 2019.05.30
- Korean Army Future Innovation Research Center trainees
- To learn about outstanding research achievements
KIITCKIAI 2019.07.05
- Dr. Arif Al Hammadi(Executive Vice President, Khalifa Univ.)
- To learn about outstanding research achievements
KIITC 2019.07.12
- Dr. Seung-Chan Bang(Director of Research Institute of Broadcasting and Communication, ETRI)
KIR 2019.07.22
- Dr. Sungjoon Choi(Disney research)
- To discuss research collaboration
KIB 2019.07.30
- KIURI Business Planning Team(Ministry of Science and Technology)
- To discuss research collaboration
KIHST 2019.08.01~31
- Prof. Deokju Lee(Catholic Univ.)
- To participate in Neuroimage Research
KI 2019.08.08
- A Delegation from Economic Analysis Coordination Division(National Assembly Budget Office, Korea)
- To learn about outstanding research achievements of KAIST Institute
KIB 2019.08.09
- Prof. Je-Hyun Yoon(Medical Univ. of South Carolina)
- To discuss research collaboration
CO2 2019.08.19
- Delegates from KFUPM(King Fahd Univ. of Petroleum and Minerals)
- To learn about outstanding research achievements
CO2 2019.08.19~23
- Rafiqul Gani from PSE for SPEED
- To consult for development of a computer-aided techno-economic and lifecycle analysis and design tool for industrial CCUS process with KAIST students
KIHST 2019.08.22~23
- Researchers from Khalifa Univ.
- To discuss research collaboration

CO2 2019.03.18
- Prof. Myung Eun Seo awarded Distinguished Lectureship Award
- in recognition of his work on polymers at the CSJ Asian International Symposium during 99th Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan
KIB 2019.03.19
- Prof. Sang Yup Lee received The NAEK Award
- at The National Academy of Engineering of Korea

CO2 2019.03.29
- Prof. H.K. Lee received Minister’s Commendation, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation
- on the occasion of the 22nd Civil Engineer’s day

CO2 2019.04.21
- Prof. Doh Chang Lee received Minister’s Commendation, Ministry of Science and ICT
KIAI 2019.04.23
- Prof. Daesoo Kim selected to receive 2018 award for KAIST Top 10 Research Achievements
KIITC 2019.04.30
- Prof. Songcheol Hong received Qualcomm Faculty Award 2019 with a gift fund to KI
CO2 2019.05.16
- Prof. Nam-Il Kim received KOSCO Symposium Excellent Paper Presentation Award in Combustion Engineering
- for the paper “Effects of Cavity configuration on flame propagation in a Narrow-Gap-Disk-Burner(NGDB)”
KIAI 2019.05.18
- Prof. Hyun Myung awarded Best Paper Award, ICROS(Institute for Control, Robotics, and Systems) Annual Conference
KIR 2019.05.24
- Prof. Ayoung Kim awarded Best Paper Award, ICRA 2019 workshop on underwater robotics perception

CO2 2019.07.03
- Prof. WooChul Jung received a Commendation from the Ministry of Science and ICT
- at Nano Korea 2019

KIR 2019.07.12
- Team of Prof. Hyunchul Shim won 1st Place, IITP AI Grand Challenge 2019

KIRKIAI 2019.08.02
- Team of Prof. Hyun Myung won 1st Place, 2019 Hitachi-LG Short-range LiDAR Applications Challenge
KIR 2019.08.31
- Prof. Dong-Soo Kwon awarded Honorary Academic Award, 2019 workshop on Haptics with xR

KINC 2019.03.25
- Presentation of the 9th KINC Fusion Research Award
- An award for professors who created distinguished fusion research achievements and Interdisciplinary research environment

KIAI 2019.03.26
- Invited Seminar
- Cardiac Optical Coherence Tomography: 20 years-From Bench to Plaque Erosion(Prof.Ik-Kyung Jang, Harvard Medical School)

KINC 2019.03.27
- The 1st Graphene Composite Meeting
- To discuss recent trends of Graphene Composite
KIITC 2019.04.15
- Special Invited Seminar
- Muon Tomography and other topics of interest(Dr. Crispin Williams, CERN)

FIRIC 2019.05.10
- Tech & Talk Concert
- The newest tech trends in the 4th industrial wave(co-hosting with Viewreau Ltd.)
KIITC 2019.05.23
- Opening Ceremony of IITP Supported Center: Millimeter-wave Radar-Communication Center
KIAI 2019.06.26
- Completion of Research Support Agreement between KAIST and Massachusetts General Hospital

KINC 2019.07.02
- Austria-Korea Joint Symposium on Nanotechnology
- To find new opportunity in R&D collaboration on nanotechnology
KIAI 2019.07.12
- Completion of MOU between KAIST and National Cancer Center
KIR 2019.08.08
- 2019 Telerobotics Laboratory and EasyEndo Association Workshop
KIHST 2019.08.08
- Completion of MOU for Osong R&BD Hospital
- To plan, establish, and operate in all fields related to Osong R&BD Convergence Research Hospital