KIB 2023.04.11
- Ajou University School of Medicine
- Prof. Seokhwi Kim visited for a seminar lecture on bidirectional crosstalk between cancer cells and cancer-associated fibroblasts elicits transcriptomic characteristics of pancreatic cancer with potential therapeutic strategies
KIB 2023.04.19
- Professor Ahn Myeong-ju of Sungkyunkwan University
- Discussed research progress and cooperation issues (landscape of lung cancertreatment)
KIITC 2023.05.19
- African Development Bank (AfDB) visited KPC4IR and signed MOU

- President Linda G. Mills from NYU
- Discussed research progress and cooperation issues
KPC4IR 2023.06.20
- Delegates from KONZA technopolis in Kenya.
- Delivered the lecture and a Knowledge Sharing
KIITC 2023.07.04
- Vice president Kwang-Ting Tim Cheng from HKUST
- Discussed research progress and cooperation issues

- CQUT-KAIST LIC summer camp lab tour
- Demonstrated autonomous quadruped robot, autonomous ground vehicle.
KIB 2023.07.10
- Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- Prof. Hyungbae Kwon visited for a seminar lecture on neural circuit dissection by cells and synapses during cognitive learning.

- Chief of Staff of the Army
- Demonstrated autonomous quadruped system, which won 1st place in the QRC (Quadruped Robot Challenge).
KIB 2023.08.29
- Professor Seungsu Oh of POSTECH
- Discussed research progress and cooperation issues (Protein-like nucleic acids that enable molecular recognition-mediated complex functions.)

- Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E))
- Demonstrated autonomous quadruped system, which won 1st place in the QRC(Quadruped Robot Challenge).

- Prof. Han-Lim Choi received Cho Chung Hun Academic Award
- Prof. Choi was awarded The 19th Cho Chung Hun Academic Award for his research contributions in the field of Intelligent and Autonomous Aerospace Systems in May 12, 2023.

- Prof. Byung-Kwan Cho received “KAIST Education Innovation Award” on 2023 KAIST Education Innovation Day

- Prof. Myung Hyun’s research team achieves a double championship in the IEEE Int’l Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA) SLAM Challenge.
- The “Urban Robotics Lab @ KAIST” and “URL @ KAIST,” research teams led by Professor Myung Hyun, achieved first place overall in the LiDAR session as well as first place in academia in the vision-only session at the HILTI SLAM Challenge.

- Prof. Myung’s team received the Best Paper Award of 2022 IEEE RA-L
- Prof. Myung Hyun’s team proposed a solution that enables real-time autonomous robot navigation through estimation of the surrounding environment’s traversable area and object recognition, and received the Best Paper Award of 2022 IEEE RA-L

- Prof. Myung Hyun’s research team won championship at Quadruped Robot Challenge (ICRA’23)
- Professor Myung Hyun’s team wins the competition held at the world’s top robotics conference by building an autonomous quadruped walking system with their own developed technologies.
KIB 2023.06.02
- Prof. Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award

- Prof. Byung-Kwan Cho received Commendation from the Minister of Environment.
- Prof. Byung-Kwan Cho received a Commendation from the Minister of Environment for his contribution to the development of climate change mitigation technologies

- 2023 NANOKOREA, Minister’s Award from Ministry of Science and ICT
- (Nanofabrication Platform, Inkyu Park)

- The 3rd quantitative phase imaging symposium
- with speakers such as Prof. YongGeun Park, united 250 participants from worldwide researchers, both online and offline. It centered on recent advances in quantitative phase imaging, emphasizing areas such as cell biology, biophysics, stem cell research, and related subjects.

- Prof. Kuk-Jin Yoon
- has been appointed as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE TPAMI) and Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU).
KIB 2023.04.13
- Prof. Sang Yup Lee held 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium at Jeju ICC

- Paper published in Advanced Fiber Materials
- Thermally Drawn Multi-material Fibers Based on Polymer Nanocomposite for Continuous Temperature Sensing, Seongjun Park

- Cohost the Workshop with AfDB
- First Workshop of a Series of Practical Workshops & Forums on Unlocking the Potential of the 4th Industrial Revolution in Africa

- The research of Prof. Kuk-Jin Yoon’s group
- was selected as CVPR’s highlight paper. “Event-based Video Frame Interpolation with Cross-Modal Asymmetric Bidirectional Motion Fields”

- KAIST Special Symposium on Engineering Biology
- Discussed the latest trends on engineering biology with internationally renowned scientists, including Paul S. Freemont, Nigel Mouncey, Lars K Nielsen, Matthew Wook Chang, Kazuo Shin-ya, and Tilmann Weber.
KPC4IR 2023.07.09 ~ 2023.07.11
- Presented paper at AI for Social Good Summit
- AI for Social Good Summit Gathered Academics and Gov’t Representatives to Showcase Joint Research Outcomes Enhancing Wellbeing in Southeast Asia. KPC4IR presented a paper for AI for Digital Health

- 2023 RSS@KAIST Workshop
- KIR invited researchers who attended RSS 2023 to share the latest research results and hold workshops to strengthen global research cooperation.

- Hanwha Aerospace-KAIST Autonomy Hub
- Hanwha Aerospace-KAIST Autonomy Hub directed by Prof. Hyun Myung had a signboard hanging ceremony at KAIST on July 26, 2023.

- Paper published in Nature Communications
- Toughening self-healing elastomer crosslinked by metal–ligand coordination through mixed counter anion dynamics, Jiheong Kang
KIB 2023.08.24
- Emily Leproust, CEO of Twist Bioscience, visited and had a seminar on “Writing the Future of Synthetic Biology with Twist Bioscience”

- PIM Semiconductor Design Research Center
- PIM MPW Industry-Academia Collaboration Workshop