KAIST KPC4IR under the leadership of Prof. So Young Kim has initiated what is termed a “Glocal” (global & local) collaboration with the European Commission’s Joint Research Center (EC JRC) and the Daejeon Institute of Science and Technology for Enterprise and People (DISTEP) to study ways to revitalize the bio-health industry in Daejeon through the convergence of AI, big data, and digital platforms. The review and study involved in-depth research on the state of the bio-health industry as well as interviews with leading industry stakeholders. Based on the findings, these efforts lay out strategies and a policy agenda for digital and AI transformations of the region’s bio-health industry.
The review carefully considered existing national and regional bio-health agendas and covered a number of priority issues for revitalizing the bio-health industries of Daejeon. These include existing regional initiatives to promote the bio-health industry and the emergence of AI and startups ecosystems in Daejeon. By analyzing the data and through stakeholder interviews and workshops, the review explored how this existing system and rise of AI, big data and digital platforms can be leveraged to open new frontiers in the AI-driven bio-health industry.
By taking this approach, the review undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the as-is and gap analyses to identify where progress has been made and what needs to change in order to take the bio-health industry to the next level.
To this end, the analysis includes exploring existing strategies and initiatives, different levels of governance, how critical resources are mobilized, regional and national bio-human resources, and finally bio-health consumption nationally and globally.
The findings and recommendations compliment government and regional efforts to transition to a digital-powered healthcare care industry. The study was published in the April 7th issue of KPC4IR, DISTEP and EC JRC Platforms.

Prof. So Young Kim, Dr. Kalenzi Cornelius, Ms. Danbee Back KAIST Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, DISTEP, EC JRC
Homepage: https://kpc4ir.kaist.ac.kr
E-mail: soyoungkim@kaist.ac.kr